Special Hazard Fire Suppression Inspection

Special hazard systems are critical for data and IT centers, computer server rooms, museums, hospitals, aircraft hangars, airports, hazardous material storage areas, and chemical and power plants. These systems require routine inspections to ensure they’re ready to protect your commercial property in the event of a fire. 

For over 40 years, business owners and property managers have chosen Fire Systems of Michigan to protect their facilities. Our special hazard fire suppression system inspections will ensure your building is equipped to combat flames effectively.

Can our fire safety specialists help your business?

What’s Involved in an Inspection?

Routine inspections are the only way to identify and combat critical system errors early. From missing and damaged devices to incorrect wiring and system additions, several issues can be hidden in your building’s special hazard fire suppression equipment. 

During our special hazard suppression system inspection, your semiannual inspection may include:

  • Test the control panel functions to include the lamps and LEDs, check fuses, interface equipment, and the primary power.
  • Test smoke detectors by introducing approved aerosol into the smoke detector chamber, or specific manufacturer-recommended methods of performing the proper test and verifying the proper signal was received at the alarm panel.
  • Clean all smoke detectors with nitrogen.
  • Test manual pull stations through a full range of motion and verify the proper signal was received at the alarm panel.
  • Test manual pull station to verify activation of the solenoid(s).
  • Activate the manual pull stations and abort switch to verify that the manual pull station will override the abort switch.
  • The detection circuit is tested to ensure that cross-zone activation will properly release the agent.
  • Cross zone the detectors and verify the proper function of each abort switch.
  • Cross zone the detectors and verify the time delay and that the abort switch disrupts the delay as programmed.
  • After testing the cross-zone and time delay, test the solenoid(s) and main & reserve switch if the system has a main and reserve bank of cylinders.
  • Inspect all agent cylinders for proper support and that they’re free from obstruction. Verify the gauges show the proper pressurization in the green zone.
  • Test heat detectors with a heat gun and verify proper activation at the fire alarm control panel.
  • Test and inspect all audible and visual devices to ensure they’re unobstructed, proper lights activate, and the sound level is above ambient noise levels.
  • Activate the audible circuits to verify function in each of three stages of alarm: General Alarm, Cross Zone & System Discharge.
  • A random check of circuit supervision to ensure the fire alarm panel detects an open circuit.
  • Load test stand-by batteries and check auxiliary functions such as door release and damper release.
  • Test battery charger.
  • Test remote annunciator to verify it accurately portrays where the alarm exists in the protected premises.
  • Check any auxiliary devices that may exist and are on the equipment list included in this contract (door holder release, dampers, etc.).
  • Verify liquid agent level in all cylinders.

We develop inspection schedules according to local, state, and federal regulations and insurance. Depending on your system and location, we may recommend monthly, quarterly, semiannual, or annual inspections. Our fully trained fire safety experts conduct all inspections per NFPA standards and procedures.

Why Choose Fire Systems of Michigan?

Fire Systems of Michigan is proud to be your one-stop shop for fire safety. Our team members have the knowledge, training, and tools to service all aspects of your fire safety needs, from installation to inspection. 

Our team believes your fire protection should come from one team who understands the industry inside and out, which is why we’re proud to offer comprehensive commercial building fire safety solutions that business owners trust. 

Call 313-255-0053 to request a quote for a special hazard fire suppression system inspection.

Our Fire Protection Service Area

We service fire protection equipment for businesses throughout Southeast Michigan.